How to be Anonymous…???
In todays world it is very much a necessity to be an unknown scout. Particularly, after the fact that every single web portal tracks the user so everyone wants to be anonymous on internet. There can be multiple ways to do just that.
Warning: Use this trick for educational & research purposes only. I’m not responsible for the misuse of this tutorial.
Any Linux system (I use Debian based system)
Good internet connection (to download and to browse using proxies)
- sudo apt-get install tor
- sudo apt-get install proxychains
Proxychains by default are configured to use tor.
Now we need to make configuration changes in proxychains before using.
3. leafpad /etc/proxychains.conf
4. scroll down to bottom of the file, it looks like this:
5. We make entry for SOCKS5, on local host with ort 9050. This ensures that services of tor is utilised for anonymity. conf file now looks like this:
6. In conf file when we scroll upwards we see different three types of chain
a. dynamic chain: It’s preferable that you use random chain if you value randomness since every connection goes through your proxy list randomly. Thus, there is no order to follow. When you utilize random chain, you don’t merely obtain a new IP address, but that your traffic will end up looking different to the target. This is exceptional since it makes it more difficult to track the traffic back to the original source which is you.
b. strict chain: Strict chain is best deployed when the attacker requires that the appearance of origin of the attacks derive from particular locations that are fundamental to his aim. Essentially, every connection goes through your proxy list in order as you have listed them. Strict chain has merit when you know that the proxies you have selected are all working.
c. random chain: Dynamic chain is basically like strict chain with the added exception that it actually skips to the next proxy in your list if the previous one stopped working for some unknown reason.
7. We use random chain for top level anonymity.
8. Also, i prefer to use chain_len = 3, where this option will determine how many of the IP addresses in your chain will be used in creating your random proxy chain. But for tor we don’t need chain_len and and put # before chain_len as we are using tor. It is used when we are using customised proxy list.
9. Ctrl+S, ready to launch anonymous applications. We go for firefox, though any application would be launched with proxychains by embedding “proxychains” before command. But before doing so, let start tor service.
10. Let’s open and see how proxychains works.
Warning: There are still possibilities that your traffic would be detected coming from tor and some portals block such traffic. There are ways to prevent that from happening by using proxy which are not marked. I leave this exercise to you.